Our commitment to research and development
We invest in internal Research and Development projects, external projects, and in the growth of our team. Here are some numbers regarding our investments:
Innovative product development
We invest around 150,000 euros annually in designing and developing increasingly innovative products.
internal products update
We reserve around 50,000 euros annually to update our internal products, keeping pace with market developments.
european projects
We dedicate approximately 15,000 hours annually to European projects in the fields of energy and mobility, industry, and aerospace.
The European projects we are part of:
We work on solutions to problems of European interest, with the participation of international entities of excellence.
The focus of the European projects we are involved in is in the following areas: climate, natural resources and environment; energy and mobility; industry and aerospace.
Industry and Aerospace
Energy and mobility
🇪🇺 M.O.S.A.I.C.O. "
Metodologie Open Source per l'Automazione Industriale e delle procedure di CalcOlo in astrofisica"
🗓️ 07/01/2020 – 31/12/2023
💶 Lead Tech Project Amount € 753,750.00;
facilitation granted € 467,462.50
The project involves a collaborative effort between two companies and a research organization that have responded to the "Intelligent Factory" Call for Proposals under Axis I Action 1.1.3. This initiative is co-funded by ERDF funds from the National Operational Programme "Enterprise and Competitiveness" 2014-2020. The primary objective is to conduct Research and Development activities aimed at developing a suite of open-source tools and automated equipment to enhance production processes and verify the integrity of large telescope structures. These innovations will undergo validation in a real-world setting. The project beneficiaries include S.R.S. Engineering Design Srl, Lead Tech Srl, and the National Institute of Astrophysics of Catania.